Shaarli : Simon Leblanc
Shaarli : Simon Leblanc
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Mur d'images - 19 images
GitHub - eligrey/FileSaver.js at
GitHub - alvarcarto/url-to-pdf-api: Web page PDF rendering done right. Self-hosted service for rendering receipts, invoices, or any content.
Progressive Web App
What Web Can Do Today
Petite collection d'antisèches sur des sujets divers et variés
The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
Building the DOM faster: speculative parsing, async, defer and preload ★ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
Optimising the front end for the browser
Introduction | Front-end Handbook
Making Forms Fabulous with HTML5
Client-side full-text search in CSS
Cheat Sheet Roundup - Over 30 Cheatsheets for developers
Form Follows Function
15 Useful CSS3 and HTML5 Templates and Frameworks | Speckyboy Design Magazine
Coding a CSS3 & HTML5 One-Page Website Template | Tutorialzine
HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default template for HTML5 awesome.
Use Appcelerator Titanium to build mobile apps for iPhone & Android and desktop apps for Windows, Mac OS X & Linux from Web technologies
Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
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