2 liens privés
Bibliothèque permettant de manipuler l'API d'Office 365
Une bibliothèque JS gérant l'affichage de formulaire
Bibliothèque PHP permettant d'optimiser des images
Bibliothèque de livres gratuits sur différentes technos
Un collectif fournissant un certain nombre de bibliothèque PHP de bonne qualité :
Name | Description |
BooBoo | A modern error handler capable of logging and formatting errors |
CLImate | Terminal output made easy |
Color Extractor | Extract colors from an image |
CommonMark | Markdown parser for PHP based on the CommonMark spec |
Container | Fast and intuitive dependency injection container |
CSV | CSV data manipulation made easy |
Event | Event package for your app and domain |
Factory Muffin | Enables the rapid creation of objects for testing |
Flysystem | Abstraction for local and remote filesystems |
Fractal | Output complex, flexible, RESTful data structures |
Geotools | Perform geo-related tasks |
Glide | HTTP based image manipulations |
HTML To Markdown | Converts HTML to Markdown for your sanity and convenience |
ISO3166 | A PHP library providing ISO 3166-1 data. |
JSON Guard | JSON schema validation |
Monga | Simple and swift MongoDB abstraction |
OAuth 1 Client | Integrate with OAuth 1.0 providers |
OAuth 2 Server | Build an OAuth 2.0 server |
OAuth 2 Client | Integrate with OAuth 2.0 providers |
Omnipay | Multi-gateway payment processing library |
Period | Time range API for PHP |
PHPUnit Coverage Listener | Report code coverage stats to third-party services |
Pipeline | Compose sequential tasks with Pipeline. |
Plates | Native PHP template system |
Route | Router and Dispatcher built on FastRoute |
Shunt | Execute SSH commands on remote machines |
StackAttack | StackPHP Middleware based on Rack::Attack |
StackRobots | A robots.txt StackPHP Middleware |
Statsd | Library for working with StatsD |
Tactician | A simple, flexible command bus |
URI | URI manipulation made easy |
Enormement de lien vers des bibliotheques de toutes sorte en PHP
24 bibliotheques PHP a connaitre absolument
Un ensemble de bibliotheque Javascript
Une bibliotheque PHP pour attaquer rapidement tout type de service et prototyper des applications
Une classe PHP permettant de generer des donnees aleatoire en gardant une coherence sur les types de donnees generes
Une presentation de differentes bibliotheque PHP pour rendre la vie plus simple
Une bibliotheque de manipulation d'image en PHP